A Peek Inside Our Live Study Clubs

It’s no secret that students thrive in a community. In fact, studies consistently show a significant relationship between a sense of community and learning outcomes. Put simply, the more involved you feel in a community, the better you will learn.

But this presents a challenge for online educators like the London Dental Institute. Part of our mission is to offer exceptional, UK-accredited dental education to dentists regardless of location. So, how can we foster this sense of community, even as we operate 100% remotely?

That’s where Live Study Clubs come in. They’re a chance to connect with other students on the Diploma, learn from faculty members, and share experiences, comments and feedback in real-time.

In this blog, we’re diving into the behind the scenes of our live study clubs, including what you can expect as a student on the Diploma and how they support online learning.

What is a Live Study Club?

A Live Study Club is an exclusive, interactive session where students on our Diploma programmes come together to deepen their understanding of key topics, discuss case studies, and engage in peer-to-peer learning. 

These sessions are led by our experienced faculty, who bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world expertise to our Diplomas. 

Whether it’s exploring complex clinical cases, discussing recent advancements in dentistry, or reviewing important course material, Live Study Clubs are designed to reinforce learning in a dynamic, supportive environment.

Behind the Scenes

So, how do we plan an LSC? 

First of all, we dip into the course content. Our curriculum is the foundation of our programmes, and the Live events are designed to complement this. 

Each session is carefully structured to maximise interaction, with a mix of presentations, Q&A segments, and breakout discussions. We also ensure that every participant has a chance to contribute, whether through live discussions or via chat. 

Our Live Study Clubs are held live in London time, giving students the chance to join real-time discussions with faculty and fellow students. But we know that our students are spread across the globe, so we record each session and upload it to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) after the session. 

This way, you can watch the sessions whenever it suits you, no matter where you are in the world. 

All of this means that each LSC is a vibrant, collaborative learning experience that extends far beyond what you might expect from online education.

Advance your career by studying for a world-leading postgraduate diploma

Study at the cutting-edge of dental research with curricula taught by global experts and an online schedule that suits you.

See a Live Study Club in Action!

Ready to experience a Live Study Club for yourself? 

Attendance at a Live Study Club is strictly students only, however, we’ve put together a highlights video for everyone below.

Check it out here.

Enrol in a Diploma

To attend Live Study Clubs, become a part of the VLE, or to learn more about our expert faculty who host the events, check out our courses here.

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Sign up for the latest from the London Dental Institute, including first access to course enrolments and live sessions.